Art Projects

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Las Vegas

The Hitching Post RV Resort – Las Vegas Nevada

This RV Resort was a joy!  There was not a speck of grass anywhere but it was groomed gravel and sand.  Our space had two trees and was very close to the showers/laundry area.  The entire lot was enclosed with a wall and/or fence and was gated with a garage opener, tire puncture strips, and key entry for the shower rooms.  In other words, the security of the place was excellent.  Everyone was so friendly and accommodating.  Folks like to know what we paid….32.00 per night, not bad for Vegas.  We don’t do the casino scene and the Strip gets old after a few hours so we stayed close by and enjoyed the resort.  

We met a Canadian couple, Georgina and Larry, who we like very much and we spent the mornings visiting with them.  It seems that RVers have many things in common and lots to talk about; therefore, we goofed off for both days.  The swimming pool was salt water and sparkling clean,my first experience with a pool without chlorine! It was very comfortable to swim in because no chlorine to hurt your eyes!  You know, they used chlorine gas in WWI to gas people to death!  Why swim in it? The down side is that you need to shower all the salt water off when you are through because it feels weird on your skin and makes your swim wear stiff when dry.

Also, while in Vegas we saw the Jersey Boys. We were celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary and thought it would be a good to take in a show.    It is our best show experience yet, and we recommend it, if you love singing, and Frankie Valli.

We have stayed in two parks now and both were terrific! The Hitching Post would be a good choice if one were to stay long term.    I wonder if we are having exceptionally good luck,  or if it is the  RVing  lifestyle? The jury is still out on this question, and it is a little soon to tell, but Lance and I are having a ball!

After living in our LH for several weeks now, we are still paring down our necessities and taking things to Goodwill.  We find we don’t need so many clothes, and cooking accouterments.  We eat in the LH twice and day and grab something light “out there”, to cut our cost and to eat less crap at restaurants.  It also saves time.  I am getting good at fixing food in the mini kitchen of the LH.  A typical day of eating (yesterday in fact) would be to get out of bed and make a mini pot of real perked coffee, one cup each.  Then, cottage cheese with pineapple chunks.   For lunch we did the Del Taco tacos and Bean Cup, because it was handy, (see next post) and then sausages, with perogies and  onions, garlic and sauteed in butter.  We split a box of Good and Plenty.  MMMmmmm!

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